Biita Enterprise

Biita Enterprise is an end-to-end solution that allows the dynamic monitoring and reporting of your corporate carbon footprint with the goal to reach net zero.

Biita Enterprise

What is Biita Enterprise?

Biita Enterprise is a carbon footprint management tool with which you can measure, reduce, offset and report your footprint; all in a single platform.

Biita Enterprise measures your scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, as it allows you to link your suppliers to your carbon footprint through forms. In this way, the completeness and accuracy of measurement is very high.

Implement abatement curves created specifically for your company and reduce your carbon footprint. For those emissions that are impossible to abate, finance offset projects or access carbon credits directly from the platform’s Marketplace. Finally, create reports based on the standards you need and communicate your progress.

What are the benefits of Biita Enterprise for your company?

A platform where you can take all the necessary actions to manage your footprint from end to end.

What does Biita Enterprise do?

Simplify and efficiently manage your corporate carbon footprint

Regardlees of the sector, be it energy, oil & fas, utilities, industry, transport, Biita Enterprise helps you manage your carbon footprint.

How does Biita Enterprise work?

A web based solution easy to use by different users in your organization that can dinamically track the behaviour of their emmissions and the impact of the initiatves.

Want to get started today?

To access Biita Enterpirse, all you need to do is to contact us

A Carbon Neutrality Expert will help you organize your data so that in less than 1 month you will be able to use all our tools.

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Frequently asked questions

We answer some common questions about Bita Enterprise.

The maximum limit of users will depend on the plan you contract after consulting with our Carbon Neutrality Expert.

Although there is no minimum permanence, to maximize the benefits of using the platform, historical data of the carbon footprint and initiatives of at least a year are required.

Reports are fully configurable. Once you have chosen the reporting standard, you can add the data and diagrams you need. You can also create reports for the time intervals you need, either from March to April or the entire year.

Your suppliers and allies can have access to the platform, where with the help of questionnaires, they can upload their emissions to the system and view the resulting diagrams.

For this function, they will not have to pay any type of subscription. In case that your allies do not want to access the platform, you can upload their information, based on questionnaires that they answer. The functionalities increase once they also subscribe to Biita Enterprise.