All human beings leave an environmental footprint equivalent to 4 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) per person per year. The vast majority of our activities generate greenhouse gases that are directed directly into the atmosphere. Keep reading and know here the alternatives you have to offset your carbon footprint and help recover the environment.

Five ways to offset your carbon footprint

Reversing or compensating for the effects of these activities is within everyone’s reach. No matter how small your contribution, any action serves and is valuable to counteract your carbon footprint.

  1. Planting trees

It’s the most effective way to offset your carbon footprint because trees absorb CO2 during their photosynthesis process. In addition to ‘cleaning’ the atmosphere, they also produce oxygen.For this reason, planting trees contributes to improving your quality of life.

A group of researchers from the University of Oviedo (Uniovi) developed a mathematical model to identify the plant species that absorb the most CO2. Chestnut, Celtiberian birch and oak are the best greenhouse gas filters.

  1. Contribute to projects

Through some institutions, you can get involved in projects to benefit the environment. Whether it’s funding tree planting or teaching people how to relate sustainably to the ecosystem. Contributions can be with face-to-face work or in cash.

  1. Adopt eco-sustainable habits

Here fits the premise that says “the example begins at home”. Adopt environmental habits such as, for example, taking advantage of recyclable materials, sorting your waste, reducing the use of plastics, saving water and electricity or consuming in less quantity those products that come from industries with a high impact on the carbon footprint.

  1. Develop sustainable processes

If you have a company, however small, orienting your work towards environmentally friendly processes is a decision that suits you. Not only because you collaborate directly with the environment, but because it is a behavior that your audience will value. In addition, the different government bodies are encouraging these changes with the so-called ‘carbon credits’, which are economic incentives for companies with ecological practices.

  1. Getting around by bike

Reducing the use of private vehicles or public transport is vital in the task of counteracting the pollution of our cities. Therefore, the authorities and many institutions promote the use of bicycles to move from one place to another. If your city doesn’t have enough bike paths, walking is also an eco-friendly and healthy option.

If you want to start in activities to offset your carbon footprint and help recover the environment, seek professional advice, investigate and find out. Make sure your decisions have a real impact, no matter how small.


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